Our Thoughts
Over time our blog will become a repository of insightful updates on key developments relating to responsibly embracing AI. For now, enjoy a series of posts relating to hot topic areas of AI development, interspersed with an occasional creative foray.
On curiosity, ideas and learning
A collection of quotes that we found thought-provoking in recent reading.
Developing an AI strategy is future-proofing your business
Staying flexible, yet focused, as you navigate the evolving AI landscape is incredibly important. Craft an AI strategy that balances exploration with business common sense.
AI can offer a fresh take on timeless business questions
AI is a powerful tool, not a magic wand. Hold tight to traditional business principles when evaluating opportunities for using AI.
Prepare for tomorrow’s AI today
Don't wait for perfect AI - start experimenting today. Start with off-the-shelf tools, and encourage teams to reimagine their everyday workflows using AI.
AI writing isn’t cheating if you do it right
Generative AI is becoming a go-to tool for professionals to draft, refine, and polish everything from memos to whitepapers. Used effectively, AI can clarify your thinking and sharpen your expression—but if misused, it risks hollowing out your ideas.
The AI-thenticity challenge
Can AI be truly creative, and does it matter? I recently attended a conference where - unsurprisingly - AI came up a lot! And there was one recurring theme: that AI is not creative. Spoiler alert, I don’t quite agree…
Thinking sensibly about AI for your business
Generative AI has been ridiculously over-hyped in its short term impact, and it’s helpful to bring it back to business reality. This post has some provocations to kick-start your thinking.
If a machine learning model was a chef…
Complicated concepts are more easily understood if framed in the guise of a good analogy. For fun, this post aims to demystify machine learning — the technique that underpins modern AI — by looking at it through a culinary lens.
AI safety is in the spotlight - what is it all about, and should you worry?
Recently there’s been a flurry of activity to do with AI safety. While the focus to date is on those at the forefront of cutting edge AI development, the guidelines that emerge will likely have implications for all businesses who use AI. This post provides a four-part overview for anyone new to the AI safety debate.
Demystifying the AI policy landscape
We’re going to begin with a series of posts relating to hot topic areas of AI policy, to provide some colour to developments that could have immense implications for businesses seeking to use AI as new rules come into force. First, here is a quick primer on the AI policy landscape, for those new to the field.